Astrology Profiles
Explore your relationships through a Counseling Astrologer's insight.

Take a fascinating new astrological look at your family and friendships ... and your business contacts, too!

horroscopes are written just for the two of you; a counseling Astrologer's guided tour of your relationship. The Horroscope calculates two personal horroscopes, compares them in detail, and prints an in-depth profile of what's happening between you astrologically.
Each horroscope is written in four parts which look at the relationship from your perspective as well as the other person's.

  • First, explore how you approach relationships in general. Do you have an easy time becoming close to someone? What are the traits that will influence all your relationships - from your childhood friends to your business associates? The clues are in your astrological birth chart. these horroscopes find and interpret them in the first portion of each report.
  • Second, how are these same questions answered in the other person's horroscope? What do they bring to each relationship that helps or hinders?
  • The third subject is how you relate to this person in particular: how your two horroscopes intertwine to create the feelings you're experiencing.
  • Of course, the fourth part of the complete horroscope looks at how your partner relates to you. How will you two get along astrologically? What role does each play here? The answers are fascinating, and many people are startled to find just how revealing their horroscopes are from an astrological perspective.
  • You can choose either Romance Horroscopes or Profiles on non-romantic relationships.
  • These horroscopes make great gifts; let Horroscopes reveal new insights into all the relationships around you: children and family, friends, business associates - anyone you'd like to know more about.
"Your horroscope is remarkably accurate. I tested it on my friend and me, and the report suggested that we met in a public place. We did!"